Disastrously strong coffee

“They’re all dead and other fun tales”

This Does Not Have A Title

The miserly biserly Mr. Moe Mack

He went to heaven and never came back.

He left on an airplane

In the middle of the night.

We’ve heard nothing of him

But we’re thinking we’ll write.

Ballad of Morbid

Betty Spaghetti wore plenty of red

From the shoes on her feet

To the bow on her head

And if you look very closely

To the spots on her bed

It becomes very clear

That Ms. Spaghetti is dead

Hello Judge Kavenaugh

May we call you “Brett?”

You seem full of shit

And also regret

Can we take a vote

To send you back home

And elect in your place

A feisty garden gnome?

Leslie Marshes loves to clean

While in the nude

You may have seen

And when she’s sick

In quarantine

She never sits still

That room is pristine!

You are kind of short

And that is okay

Give it some time

You may grow one day

And if you do not

All you should say

Is “time for Catan”

Then sit down and play

Let me tell you all about Rory

Who wrote a book to tell a story

Around and around the magic swirled

And overwhelmed that poor little girl

The words slipped out onto the page

As fear became unrequited rage

And in the end when all was done

Her book debuted at number one!

Clickety clackety

Bones are so rackety

When the meat falls away

And the bones show through

This is your chance

To start life anew

Chitter chatter

Teeth don’t matter

Pull them each out one by one

Listen closely

Hold on loosely

And then just let the door swing closed

“Will I or won’t I?”

Wiggles the wig

That sat upon the head

Of a satisfactory pig.