9 Dec 2024
Life is a choice: choose gratitude, choose happiness, choose hope, choose kindness…
For those who choose to harm you because of your softness, they will have to answer for that.
Choose to be strong enough to be soft. Choose to keep going.
1 Nov 2024
I’ve got a butter knife and I’m ready to fight a god.
12 Sep 2024
somewhere along the way I just gave up.
Why was hope in Pandora’s Box?
25 Jan 2021
Corporations run for profit, not people. They are the reason wealth trickles to the top. They are the reason an ever increasing number of people are running to the bread lines. We have learned absolutely nothing from our own history.
21 sep 2020
Food and shelter are the most basic of human needs for survival, so why are more than 4 million Americans experiencing homelessness and more than 54 million Americans experiencing food insecurity? Are these the traditional American values we hold dear?
20 sep 2020
Invest in the people who invest in you. I don’t care what your relationship to them was—mother, father, child, etc.—if they don’t show up for you and are a toxic presence in your life then let them go. It’s amazing how fast they’ll forget about you when you stop trying to get them to invest energy into you that they’re not prepared to.
28 jan 2020
We are trained to live our lives seeking money. In every subtle way consumerism has engulfed our private lives. The next paycheck is our only goal and purpose. It sickens me. Companies trying to save the planet, without realizing it, are perpetuating the same sickness of greed as the companies that destroyed this beautiful earth. For me, the best way to reduce the need for packaging that creates excessive waste is to avoid purchasing whenever possible. It is my dream to grow or create every possible thing I need for survival. Only when we are each self-sufficient on our own merit will consumerism die and the planet will live. Only when we destroy the cruel mistress of greed will we be free from the disease that has destroyed our world again and again.
13 dec 2019
There was a time when the human race looked at the nubs at the end of their legs and thought, “I wonder if I can walk now...” and from that moment forward we have continued to evolve as a species. We have spent countless generations fighting the ones who came before us and then refusing to yield at the end of our lives. In order for humanity to continue to evolve, to continue to improve as a species, we must be willing to fight or at least willing to let others fight.
Millennials get lumped into this comically large group consisting of anywhere between 10 and 40 year age gaps depending who’s opinions we are trusting. At some point an older generation looked at everyone that came behind them and said, “no more beyond this point.” And they have fought nobley to save a world they remember, but the time for nobility has passed. In order for our world to get better, in order for it to survive, we stop the cycle.
No more do we fight from both ends of our lives. No more should we look at the children in our world expecting them to save it only to deny it when they ask to start making the change. TIME magazine’s person of the year is a 17 year old who has done more for this planet than your entire generation. So this is the threshold. This is the moment when our generation serves to protect the one that comes next. Because they will truly be the generation to save us.
26 oct 2019
we have the rest of our lives, so why worry so much about today?
9 oct 2019
Don’t be afraid of ideas that are different from your own, but don’t waste your energy on ideas that are what you’ve already determined you don’t believe in.
8 oct 2019
I have cared for me longer than you have, so understand that I will always choose me when things are at stake.
21 sep 2019
You can’t move forward if you won’t let go of the past.
5 sep 2019
people will almost nearly always surprise you, if only you provide them the opportunity to do so.
1 sep 2019
I am not limited or inspired by the glass ceiling because I don’t believe it ever existed. I think we were all just afraid of the air above our heads.
23 aug 2019
Fuck fear. Chase freedom. Seek happiness.
19 aug 2019
It is human to want to control things. To be in control. But there are things we cannot control—events that happen in inexplicable order and leave us stunned in the cold silence of our own fear. We can turn that fear into art. We can relinquish control to the brush or the word. Through art we can stand again.
17 aug 2019
Can you dare reach?
Can you dare not try?
Reach for that deep, dark sky.
13 aug 2019
be the sun that casts the shadows
11 aug 2019
Art is a way of being honest with your emotions in a world that prefers stone and steel.
8 aug 2019
When you reach, truly stretch as far as you can possibly go, to catch the dream you’ve had itching in the back of your mind your whole life—you will never stop reaching. No matter how many times you fail you’ll always know what it felt like to have that dream just within reach. And you will reach for a dream again. Over and over again until either there’s nothing left of you or you’ve changed the course of history.
6 aug 2019
To find a way to start towards the future it’s best to take a first step.
5 aug 2019
Artists have been minimized through all of history for what most have always viewed a minor contribution to society, but artists have the minds that challenge the way things are. Now is the time in history where we change the way things are.
3 aug 2019
We are the thinkers and the idea makers. We are the ones who see the beauty in the world instead of the potential for power. We are the ones who will plant trees when we need oxygen instead of strapping on some god awful machine. We are what the world needs now.
2 aug 2019
We take all of the things that have made us strong and we lock them in a box. We build a fortress to protect those pieces because the strength they gave us won’t let them go. These are the parts of us nobody will ever see. The deepest shames, the biggest fears, and the greatest losses. They are the penny in the shoe that reminds you to think about your blessings. That is our survival instinct. That is who we truly are. Fierce, sure-footed, and patient. This world belongs to us in more significant ways every day and we need to reach for it.